Name that creepy doll Poll...plz vote

So I was over at Surviving Myself's blog where he expressed his love for polls... I too enjoy polls so why not have one to choose a name for the creepy doll below...

In case you are too lazy to scroll down or click the link this is what she looks like so please vote so she can get her new identity lol....

Stay Pretty ;)

ps- Stay tuned because I will be hosting a giveaway next week :) Check back Monday for details.... exciting!!!

xoxo Far


Anonymous said...

Definitely Suri.

Anonymous said...

What about Suri-Doll...keeping with your doll theme from this week (Amber-Doll)...

It's definitely an original name :)

Far said...

Hmmm suri doll huh ok ill change one of the names to that
lets see if it will work

Krista said...

Awww...she reminds me of a miniature doll that was given to me as a kid from San Fran. I miss her now!
BTW--Creepy Doll should at least be her nickname:-)

supermango said...

that doll is damn scary looking. it's like a mix between "the grudge" and "the ring".

how about you call her samara spooky yooki!

Anonymous said...

I like Creepy Doll. Keep it basic, you know?

Endless Randomness said...

Suri is nice.. its kinda japanese, kinda crazy and matches her personality :P

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