Earthquakes and Tornados and G20 Summits Oh My!

I was sitting here staring out the window daydreaming when I felt the building sway from side to side... now I wasn't alarmed since the building tends to move sometimes but this time it lasted a good 30 seconds...


I know Toronto's been hit before with tiny tremors before but nothing like this one... 5.5 on the richter scale at 1:44pm today. As we shook and shook we all looked at each other wondering if indeed this was an earthquake or something else... that's how NOT used to it we are over here.. (how do you californians deal with this over and over)

I headed over to twitter and tweeted about the shaking only to scroll down and see I wasn't the only one. People as far away as Cleavland felt the tremors and its said the the epicenter was in Quebec.

I knew the jokes about Quebec trying to separate from the rest of Canada again were inevitable but then the jokes about the possible tornado tonight and the G20 summit happening here over the next few days filled twitter...

Its dark and gloomy here now and as people start to chill out and realize ok that wasn't so bad life begins to get back to normal... until tonight's Tornado that is...

Will I be home taking cover under a blanket? NO ill be accessory shopping for my besties bday (which is today happy bday girl I got you and earthquake!) party on Saturday... Shopping stops for nothing!

Anyone else feel today's quake??


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Wow is anyone still here?? Its update time!

There are time when I don't even remember this blog BUT Ive decided to keep it up because every now and then I have the urge to write.

So lets see whats happened since Ive last posted...

My freelance makeup career has taken off and I'm busier than ever and recently found out my work has landed on 5 billboards across Brazil crazy huh?!! I feel so blessed!

In other news....

Well me and Mr25(now 26) aka Mr.BF are still together :O Shocking I know considering my past dating life!

We traveled together last november to Punta Cana, had our first xmas and new years together, partied for both our birthdays, had our first valentines together aww, and the biggest deal we celebrated our 1 year anni on May 7th with a trip to Niagara Falls which was special. He got me a diamond "Journey" Pendant which kinda looks like this...

Only mine is gold not white gold.....Isnt it gorge?

I'm still happy and crazy in love with a man I never thought would make it past a month simply because of his age...

I have definitely learned that age is just a number.... don't get me wrong there are times when I have to remind myself that hes only 26 and therefore hasn't gone through as many life experiences as me but overall you really cant help who you fall in love with.

He treats me better than any man (including the ones 10 yrs older) Ive ever been with. Hes kind, gentle, honest, loyal and would do anything in his power to make me happy so really how could I ask for anything more right?

There has been some talk of the future but nothing has happened as of yet but you never know right?! ;)

Well I'm not so sure how many people will stop and read this but I just felt I needed to share an update on here.


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